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Tuesday 02 de September del 2014 FITBALL WORKSHOP
The Fit- Ball is one of the most common and versatile equipments in fitness clubs as well as one of the most successfull pieces of equipment in different activities...either by itself or combined with other equipments the Fit-Ball provides lots of different possibilities to the fitness proffessional.
Learn in this complete workshop all the theory and practice about the Fit-Ball and how to use it in different sessions format, from personal training to group training.
The Fitball. characteristics.
Proprioception and balance integrated training.
Safety tips.
Muscular chains.
Fitball training characteristics.
Fitball training positions
Basic principles to increase or decrease intensity in fitball exercises.
Cueing fitball exercises.
Class formats.
Lower body exercises.
Core exercises.
Upper body exercises.
Fitball secuences.
Stretching with fitball.
Balance exercises.

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